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多倫多地區犯罪率第 1 部分 Toronto Crime Rate by Area Part 1

多倫多按地區犯罪率概覽 An overview of the crime rate in different areas of Toronto

多倫多地區犯罪率第 1 部分 Toronto Crime Rate by Area Part 1

以下資料, 暫時以英文陳述, 深感抱歉.

"The rate of crime and violence varies from one neighbourhood to another in Toronto. Below is a list of neighbourhoods with some of the highest crime rates in Toronto:

The Annex

Located next to the University of Toronto’s St. George Campus, The Annex has one of Toronto’s highest crime property indices. The average crime property rate stands at 23.75 against 1000 properties, while crime against individuals stands at an average rate of 8.16 per 1000 people.

The Beaches

Located in the east of Queen Street, this neighbourhood has an almost equal crime rate for crime against individuals and property. Both crime rates stand at 7.8 per 1000 people or properties.

Moss Park

Moss Park neighbourhood has one of the highest Toronto crime rates. The average violent crime rate is 20.81 per 1000 individuals, while property crime stands at 45.94 per 1000 properties.

St. James Town

St. James Town is one of the low-income neighbourhoods in Toronto. The average crime rate in the area is 10.44 per 1000 people, while property crime stands at 24.97 per 1000 properties.

Regent Park

Regent Park is located in downtown Toronto. This neighbourhood also has one of the highest crime rates in Canada. The average crime rate in the area is 12.99 per 1000 people, while property crime stands at 22.39 per 1000 properties".
Written by Igor Vilkhov, Sep 14, 2021


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